Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cut off and isolated - (its not as serious as it sounds)

To all who follow my blog - thank you - and I have confession to make. We moved into our apartment sad about our lack of internet access (we had chipped in and shared a wireless connection with friends at our previous place.) And then opened our MacBook and voila, discovered that we picked up at least five signals from apartments and offices around us. So... we used it. We decided that if people left them un-password protected we wouldn't feel guilty about using their connections. We didn't download large files, or live online, we rationalized. Right or wrong we did it. And now judgment day has come, well, sort of. As of Saturday passwords have been erected all around and we are cut off from the cyber world. Oh well, I will now have less temptation to battle about how I use my time. And, we do have a library with wireless access just half a mile down the street so I can tap in every other day or so. But, I guess the point of sharing all of this is that my habit of posting almost daily will have to be adjusted accordingly. No, no, don't weep. And to all those closet readers out there... COMMENT!! I found out this weekend that two of my old friends (you know who you are) joined CSAs after my postings on the subject. Until then I had no idea that they had ever read a single post! I want to know if you read. I want to interact with you, and grow alongside you. Perhaps next time I wander down to the library I'll post a link over to a great blog post about the value of commenting. Thanks again for stopping by!


Erin said...

Ugh! I know the feeling! Last night, what had been a steady wireless Internet connection via my neighbors disappeared. Oh, well. It just means I'll have to use the PC until we get our wireless network set up.

I found your blog through Biblical Womanhood (I think), BTW.


we used to steal internet too...but then just decided to use a wireless router and split the cost of our neighbor's monthly internet bill with her. It was awesome :). Post when you can...I bet you'll come to enjoy the visits to the library...a little "Liz time".

Unknown said...

I do read your blogs and I am sad that they will be coming less frequently with this new technological deprivation... sigh. But it's true, you'll get a lot more done without it at home! I seldom use internet at home because Tyler's always on the computer working (okay, not always, but often... he's been trying to power out his screenplay). Anyway, I'm one of those anonymous readers who doesn't comment but enjoys reading!

Lauren Gyorfi said...

Hey! I'd love to email you but I don't know your email address. Can you send it my way?

candy said...

Just found your blog, thought Id say Hello :)