1. My 5:30 bike ride next to my husband as he ran this morning! I actually wore shorts it was so nice out. (Put "Loving Movement" into my day, check. Fly Lady's new May habit. A good one as we prep for swimsuit season I must say.)
2. Sunday dinners at my parent's house! Delicious food and so good to be with family. I love this weekly tradition.
3. Also, the leftovers my mom packs for Ben's lunches. Yea for kind moms!
4. Rowan's sweet little voice. He's begun to love to sing. (PS For those of you who follow this blog regularly, we figured out where he learned his singing style. The talent show in Little Rascals - hilarious!)
5. The Prairie Path!! It is so nice to be close to such a great trail system that preserves a bit of nature in the midst of the suburbs.
6. The gorgeous weather yesterday for our all Parish (Anglican) picnic! I'm avoiding sugar right now to try and kick my cold (its WORKING, YEA!!!) but I decided that I can partake on Sundays, and someone brought the most delicious chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. Ooh lala, does anyone have a recipe for those?
7. For Free Cycle. What a cool way to share stuff, get to know people around you, declutter your house, and keep perfectly good things out of landfills. Thanks for the tip Emily!
8. The green onion plants we are receiving from our dear friends digging up their yard for an expected move.
9. The fact that God really does love me. Its one I have to remind myself of. It seems the more intentional I am about trying to live well, the more I see all of the sick ugliness in my heart.
10. The movie camera my parents just handed down to us so that we can catch lil rascals craziness on tape for all of time!
For all of these things I thank you Lord...
Hi, I don't know if you saw the response to your question on my blog about adult books along the lines of the Little House on the Prairie series. Here's what Susan said:
I love the Little House books for the same reason.
I know of a good adult book that is encouraging in this way. I loved the book-- Letters From a Homesteader Woman. Excellent and so much fun to read. The author has a great sense of humor. I was inspired to be a better, more caring, more organized, harder working woman when I read this book.
Oh, and you shared some lovely thoughts, BessieJoy!
Susan :-)
I didn't see an e-mail that I could reach you at. I hope it's o.k. that I left this comment here!
Have a wonderful day!
Free Cycle!
And, thank you, Father, for the songs of little children in those transporting lilting voices!
Do you get over the fact the Lord really, really loves you?
Opening my eyes to His endless gifts, living along the Cross beam of His love... I am slowly waking up to the wonder of it. Love for sinners. Miracle!
Good to slow and see and give thanks with you, Daniele...
Your joy makes my heart sing!
All's grace,
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