Crisp air, sunshine flowing, soul finally finally relaxing. The past few days I have found my fuse short, and have oscillated between feeling ashamed and self righteous; neither state of mind healthy for long.
But now, deep breath, after deep breath, baby snores the only sound accompanying the tapping of my keys... I feel it, the calm i've been seeking is arriving.
The knowledge that I just finished editing my husband's 34 page paper for his independent study on Clairvaux. The knowledge that my chemistry class is wrapping up and that I did well. The knowledge that the round faced one's teeth are through and we are experiencing some respite. The knowledge that my little boy will be a little boy will be a little boy, and I just need to love him.
I feel like I have a bit more of a handle on life than I had. I've written out a very loose day to day plan to start teaching lil guy the basics of letters and phonetics, and counting and art, and ecology and music and geography... We've decided to put our boy on a movie fast for a month, and that just not being an option has been refreshing... heartening to watch his creativity and industry within play develop.
Plus one of the biggest delights has been the awareness that we are coming into my favorite camping season. Climbing gear has been purchased for the whole family, gear racks acquired for the top of the car, and it is time to play. to explore. to spend evenings around fire pits. to snuggle into our new hammock and learn about the stars.
Hope and anticipation prevail as I allow this new season to surround me and entice me onward.
Thanks for joining me as I journey on.
Out of the Depths: Introducing Far Country
1 week ago