Quick Update:
This month's plastic fast helped me to become much more mindful of what I use and purchase. I was no purist -sometimes I was outright rebellious, but I definitely eliminated heavily packaged items from my grocery list - started using cloth produce bags, and only regularly cheated with thinly wrapped cheeses.
We've continued our commitment to make our own hair products, extended our cloth diapering to include wipes too, and I am still a vegetarian.
For April I commit to no longer driving to the grocery store - its way too close to drive esp now that the weather is so beautiful.
I have loved these challenges. Each one has served as a regular reminder of the simple and rich life I want to live - constantly drawing me back to my ideals to live gratefully and respectfully for this gift of life God has given me.
Out of the Depths: Introducing Far Country
1 week ago
if you come across any home made hair products that work like an oil to protect hair from getting split ends please please let me know. love your blogging and getting little glimpses into your world. Also, way to go Cedar! Walking already! very impressive.
Sounds like you are doing great! Do you have some kind of special contraption for getting two kids and groceries home from the store?
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