All right - a new month - a new promise.
Let's review, so far i've given up commercial hair products, meat, and paper diapers.
This month I commit to avoid bringing plastic into my home. I know I might not be able to escape it in lids, but I will try without being legalistic. Practically this will mean a whole lot less trash to empty, returning to homemade yogurt - learning to make cheese... I am excited.
I will also be joining the Real Food Challenge. (I pretty much have to anyway without buying plastic, don't I?)
What are your March commitments?
Out of the Depths: Introducing Far Country
1 week ago
Good luck and enjoy the new world that opens up in plastic's wake! Kyce
Liz, I haven't checked your blog for awhile and was delighted to see that you've been writing again! I will definitely stop by more often and of course, leave a plethora of comments :). Your posts always leave me with new things to think about...I love the challenges you are giving yourself!! Love and hugs :). Btw, it's in its last months, but still worth checking out: It's an amazing fundraiser/blog about sustainable fashion. You would LOVE it!
This is such an admirable goal!
You have already done so much.
Thank you for the comment on my blog today - so kind. I did list some more beeswax.
Enjoy and blessings,
This is such a great change...plastics are everywhere and I look forward to hearing how it goes! I am also doing the Real Food Challenge and it is going great so far!
Feel free to stop by any time this month and let us know how it is going!
Hey! I hope you are having a great March so far and you are enjoying the Real Food Challenge!
Make sure to stop by the One Small Change blog to enter into our latest giveaway and see what the community is up to!
We also started a face book fan page which can be accessed from the blog! :)
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